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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

tomorro going to fishing liao so happy!
donno whether got fish anot still wondering
if have good liao lo.....
now going to pack my stuff and have a early sleep
tmr need 4am wake up ! im gonna be dead .
End Of Post~ Bye :D

The Memories i left here.
7:56 PM

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ello. So bored rain one whole day.
pay com 5 hrs until now
my eye pain xD
later going to play card games with my family:D
now holiday really sibei boring everyday is boring...
ok luh nth to post liao bb :D

The Memories i left here.
7:03 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Waiting forward to next thursdayyyyyy!!!!!
Cuz going for fishing! yay!
so freaking happy xD
i can go to the middle of the ocean agn xD
last month just go caught a lot of fish and too much some muz throw :/
today is a tired day just now go to a sushi restaurant eat sushi eat until very full
eat until half time rain so heavy then muz run to the car.. lol!
now nid to wait for a few hours to get to play com :/
the com i using cannot play game one sad ><
Ok End Of Post!

The Memories i left here.
8:15 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hey yo!
Today wake up quite late cuz ytd slp at 2+
afternoon go out with parent eat lunch eat wanton mee :D very nice
go back home play com until now , lots of hours
still dun wan off :D wan play more but cant later scold me..
so boring tmr nid to go market buy vegetables! so sian! :(
not much left bye :D

The Memories i left here.
9:15 PM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yo! Today go cca cip donno go which condo near tampines mart. The starting i have to lead the parents and children to the function room(where we have the activities there). I have to go to the function room and go back to the carpark continuously , so tired. The activities is let the children go to a station and play. There are a lot of stations there. My station is let the children paint the cup . Make my hands full of paint so dirty... Then 1.3Ö then can go home . ok end of post :D

The Memories i left here.
10:49 PM

hiie guys...actually this blog my fren help me do de...quite nice rite??? actually ok oni la...hahas this is the first time having blog cause alot people got blog then i want same as them lor...but not exactly know how do so ask my fren help lor.^^ Hahas not many things to write cause first time uhs...so sorry if you are kind of looking foward to my blog...hahas but i finally have a blog what...btw the blog name abit disgusting as cannot think of any name le lor...other name all use le...so sian lor...hehes those who are reading this blog you don smell like socks hor is no choice then give this name de...hop eu don mine...

The Memories i left here.
1:34 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hello ! My 1st Post xD

The Memories i left here.
5:47 PM